Daily Crypto News | 22.03.2021
1- Wolf of Wall Street predicts $100K Bitcoin.
2- Jack Dorsey’s first tweet sold for $2.9M.
3- AML rules in Korea to come into effect this Thursday, companies have to register until September.
4- SkyBridge files for a Bitcoin ETF.
5- Microsoft considers Bitcoin payments.
6- Turkish Lira plunges 14%.
7- Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell says: “… [Bitcoin] is essentially a substitute for gold rather than for the dollar.”
8- Support.com and Greenidge Generation to merge to go public.
9- Time magazine auctions 3 NFTs.
10- Bitcoin is up 6.1% at $54,355.
11- DENT (DENT) is the highest gainer in the top 100 list with a 36.3% daily profit.
12- ECOMI (OMI) is the highest loser in the top 100 list with a 23.9% daily loss.
13- $BTC = $BTC | 1 Satoshi is 1 Satoshi.