Daily Crypto News | 20.01.2021

1- Messari announced that almost half of the global crypto trades are accounted for by Asia.
2- The amount of Bitcoin nodes see an all time high at 11,613 entities.
3- Ford and BMW will be using blockchain to track the use of their secondhand vehicles.
4- The Stock Exchange of Thailand is planning to launch digital asset trading, without including cryptocurrencies.
5- Perpetual Protocol becomes the sixth-largest DEX.
6- Brave integrates IPFS support for their desktop browsers.
7- Firo suffers from a 51% attack.
8- Bitfinex asks for 30 more days to produce documents for the NYAG.
9- Rick and Morty NFT sells for $150,000 on Nifty Gateway.
10- Yearns Finance proposes $225M $YFI mint.
11- $BTC = $BTC | 1 Satoshi is 1 Satoshi.

