Daily Crypto News | 15.02.2021
1- dogecoin price falls 23% after Elon Musk tweeted “If major Dogecoin holders sell most of their coins, it will get my full support. Too much concentration is the only real issue imo.”
2- Centralized cryptocurrency lending platform Celsius has paid out $250M in rewards to 415,000 users.
3- EXMO has suffered a second DDOS attack in the last two months.
4- UniSwap has reached $100B cumulative volume.
5- Vitalik Buterin published ethereum 2.0 Beacon Chain’s hardfork named “HF1”.
6- Establishing qualifications for crypto investing is overlooked by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand .
7- Former Coinbase CTO Balaji Srinivasan tells that India banning crypto is like banning the internet.
8- Japanese finance giant SBI Holdings is reportedly looking for mergers and acquisitions with foreign companies.
9- Litecoin founder Charlie Lee has said that “NFT prices will eventually crash.”
10- $BTC = $BTC | 1 Satoshi is 1 Satoshi.